Graig Hill Editions 2019, self published
As of January 2019, researchers are trying to grow A. thaliana (common thale cress) on the moon. The experiment in China's Chang'e-4 lander hopes to see seeds germinating, perform photosynthesis and grow and bloom in the lunar environment[1]. The tiny Arabidopsis plant is a model organism for research in plant molecular genetics. It has been a powerful tool for the study into the function of genes that are involved in floral development and evolution. One of the titles of my drawings has the name of three mutated genes ap2piag (a triple mutant)[2]. Normally these genes influence the function of turning floral organs into leaves or leaves into floral organs.
Images of the floral homeotic mutants of Arabidopsis triggered the idea for the graph drawings. The science of floral architecture and the anatomy of the flower has consequently been a source of inspiration for many of my drawings to follow.
My drawings explore concepts such as new designs for plant architecture and plant evolution in a contemporary visual language. Elements of a planetary ecosystem visualise a future parallel universe of our natural world influenced by a technology infiltrated human environment. They have been described as blueprints for future ecological systems.
Copies are for sale at £10 plus postage.
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