Pontypridd is a Nature Reserve
With support from Connect & Flourish ACW 2022 - 2023

Alongside many others I was lead artist for NATURponty, the Pontypridd is a Nature Reserve project, a participatory art project that recognises Pontypridd as a valuable ecosystem made up of all living organisms that are wildlife, plants and people. We collectively engaged in discussions around biodiversity and climate change, and explored possibilities for sustainable living side-by-side with nature through creative activities.

We collaborated with the public, artists, ecologists and scientists but mostly with young people and wherever possible, they were in charge. We organised a fungi walk, a bats walk, a silent disco balsam bashing event and a nightjar watching evening walk to name but a few. With young people from Young Friends of the Earth Youth Forum and Ilan Youth Club, Rhydyfelin (YEPS) we developed the NATURponty font and produced a printed Nature Manifesto booklet. We developed a Biodiversity Carnaval, the Mycelium Entity figure and a final exhibition at Canolfan Calon Taf.

Find more details on the website, listen to podcasts, talk to a tree bot, see film, animation, discover about Mycelium Material, read blog posts and the wenglish and shwmraeg Nature Maniffesto and more. Many thanks to ACW and everyone involved. http://www.naturponty.eu/